内衣拍摄 淘宝商品摄影服务 服装产品拍照 文胸画册图片模特网拍
服装摄影 产品摄影 化妆品摄影 家用电器摄影 灯饰摄影 五金卫浴摄影 皮具箱包摄影 珠宝首饰摄影 商务形象拍摄专业品牌整合,从事各类广告设计印刷一条龙服务,高档服装画册,地产画册,5星级酒店画册,包装盒 摄影,修图,设计后期印刷全程服务。高档精装书,胶装书,封面分为皮革,丝绸布印刷,烫金击凸,压纹书封面,金属标,过油,电压,uv丝印,激光,雕刻工艺等
our philosophy of visual designing is to delight your life with visual enjoyment. here, we promise you that we only provide you original and unique designs. we hope that our work of arts can make a special collection of emotions and life for your memory. our team also consists of young and creative persons who are dedicated to visual arts with all their energy and passion.
我们注重用视觉创意来感悟生活,让生活视觉化,视觉生活化;我们排斥雷同,追求个性,注重生活视觉体验,使得个性化数字影像创意成为您生活中的 情感记忆点!灵动空间设计团队集结了竭力追求完美,以创意为生的年轻人,共同的志向和嗜好,是我们为视觉艺术献身的动力!
to us, we do not make discount because every piece of our work of arts deserve its worth; we stick to one principle that all arts come from details and ours too; we see our clients not as god, but as friends and test each of the visual production with high criterion; in our eyes, what counts is not about the quantity but the quality; all the time what we concern is how to cook a soul for our product; and most important of all, we never copy others and every piece of art of ours demonstrate one single and unique beauty in the world.
我们坚持只做精品;我们严格恪守的一个原则:细节成就精品对于我们来讲客户不是上帝,是朋友,我们会在每张图中融入我们几近苛刻的审美要求; 我们看重的是照片质量,而不是数量;我们思考的是怎么给照片注入灵魂,而不是草草了事;我们追求的是不重复自己、不重复别人, 因而每张图的美只有一种.
联 系 人:肖飞 先生 (ae部 总经理)
电 话:86 0755 28693679
e-mail: jimei_sign@sina.com
地 址:中国 广东 深圳市龙岗区 深圳市龙岗区横岗四联贤丰街4号101
- 地址:深圳 深圳市龙岗区横岗街道四联社区贤丰街4号101
- 邮编:518115
- 电话:(0755)
- 总经理:肖飞
- 手机:13699785464
- 传真:0755-28363679
- Email:18682353755@163.com